Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top Ten Ways to Know that You Overpacked

10. You forgot 1/2 of a pair of boots and don't notice until you get home.

9. You never even got to the bottom of the suitcase while out of town.

8. You wore less than half of what you brought.

7. You actually had a choice of shoes to wear with several outfits.

6. Your shoulders ache from lugging the suitcase in and out of the car.

5. The counter agent at check in dramatically slaps a "HEAVY" sticker on the side of your suitcase, even though you are not over the weight limit.

4. Everyone that you are traveling with has smaller luggage than yours.

3. You have a clean pair of jeans to travel home in.

2. The valet at the hotel asks how much you had to pay to check "that bag".

1. Lifting the bag onto the scale at check in qualifies as your daily aerobic and weight-lifting exercise, all at once.

All Time Low "Too Much"

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