Sunday, September 20, 2009

Shake the Dust from Your Feet (Matthew 10:14)

Last weekend was a turning point for me.

With the activities behind me and life's challenges exposed  at more levels than I care to share here, I cried all the way from Lake Arrowhead to Orange County.

I cried for stolen lives and a half dozen young, innocent, and broken hearts; I cried over the folly of youth and the challenges ahead; I cried over a lost eternity and the weakness of mankind; and I cried over the lies that blatantly and brazenly live on.

But then I took a deep breath, lifted my chin and shook the dust from my feet.

I know great men and women. I recognize and celebrate truth. I believe in the healing power of God. I trust that what is good and right and true will prevail. I seek for light and avoid darkness. I have faith in my children and in my friends and in myself.  I recognize the tenacious and industrious determination of the human spirit. I honor life. I respect honorable choices. I treasure the principle of repentance. I embrace forgiveness and I trust eternity. I am not perfect, but I don't claim or pretend to be either.

And nearly two decades after it was stolen away from me, I have reclaimed my life.

I know who I am and it's good to be home.

Carrie Underwood "Home Sweet Home"

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